Sgt Nicole Gee
KIA Afghanistan 26-Aug-2021

I founded Cell Block Seven in 2022 after completing 14 years as an active duty Marine. The shop includes everything you’d find in your standard wood shop, along with a Shapeoko Pro XXL CNC Mill, and a 24″x24″ 60w diode laser. This allows me to carve and engrave multiple materials, from wood, to aluminum, acrylic, and stainless steel.
Most of my custom products are designed and fabricated in-house. I also sometimes partner with outstanding artists to help bring customer visions to life. If my equipment can handle the material, I can bring your product to reality!
My mission is to create awesome stuff that you would be proud to wear, gift, or show off.
“Why Cell Block Seven?”
Cell Block Seven, was a nickname given by some sailors and Marines to the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) amphibious assault ship, during a deployment with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit in 2021 to the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan. I helped lead a detachment of more than 80 Marines while we conducted operations in various austere environments. The 24th MEU spearheaded the evacuation of Hamid Karzai International Airport (HKIA) during the Taliban’s overthrow of the country. The nature of the deployment in a COVID climate saw many archaic, draconian, and downright nonsensical rules and restrictions to be emplaced upon our detachment. The IWO felt like a prison to many of us.
Nevertheless, the deployment was formative for me. It gave me invaluable leadership experience, left me with a feeling of accomplishment, but more importantly, served as part of the impetus for my decision to leave the active duty force and reorganize priorities.
Cell Block Seven is dedicated to the memory of Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee, and the twelve other service members who were killed on August 26, 2021.